Join us to build a distinctive relationship with your child through an enjoyable storytelling experience built on the foundations of modern psychology. Develop your children’s character by reinforcing positive behavior and helping them acquire key life skills.





“TOOTAA” is an application that helps children adopt positive behavior and develop their characters by enhancing their skills and motivating them from within. It also helps parents to build a healthy and meaningful relationship with their children, and raise them mindfully by combining the magic of storytelling and its proven impact on children with educational tips based on the latest scholarly research.

“Tootaa” offers a variety of features, including:

    1. Carefully developed stories focused on the behaviors, values, and skills that all children need to build their characters and learn how to independently solve the challenges they face.
    2. All stories are approved by psychologists and educational specialists, and are based on psychology, education, sociology, and other modern sciences.
    3. Each story is followed by an interactive, behavioral session that encompasses questions and activities. This is to ensure that children grasp the messages conveyed by the story and encourage them to discuss and apply what they learn.
    4. Simplified science-based tips for parents on each behavior or skill the story presents, taking into account the child’s age, disposition, and their way of thinking.
    5. Tools that help parents spend quality time with their children, enabling them to encourage positive behaviors and develop a stronger emotional bond.

By investing a few minutes a day, “Tootaa” can make a huge difference
in the lives of children and their families with a long lasting impact.

“Tootaa” Stories Distinctive and Impactful Because They:

  • Are original stories created specifically for the “Tootaa” app, based on scientific research on promoting positive behavior embedded in our psychological and parenting philosophy.
  • Challenge the child’s unconscious beliefs and biases about his/her behavior in a gentle, intelligent, and subtle way so that the child does not feel questioned or judged at any time.
  • Are fun and imaginative to stimulate both children’s and parents’ creativity.
  • Build the child’s capacity to adopt positive behavior through inspiring references to the skills the protagonist used.
  • Stimulate the child’s curiosity by posing age-appropriate questions and challenges.

4 Reasons Why “Tootaa” is Essential For Your Child:

  • Conscious parenting: In less than 10 minutes every day, “Tootaa” offers simply and convenient interventions to bridge the gap between the wrong, yet popular and socially acceptable, parenting methods on one hand, and the latest scientifically-tested parenting methods that have proven to be effective on the long run on the other hand.
  • Meaningful bond: The fast-paced lifestyle and long-working hours limit the quality time you spend with your child, which may adversely affect your relationship in the long run.
  • Behavioral skills: By emphasizing positive behaviour, “Tootaa” addresses the gap resulting from schools’ tendency to focus on academia and neglect children’s behavioral skills.
  • Digital noise: Digital openness makes children vulnerable to potentially undesirable influences, which is why “Tootaa” equips parents with science-based guidance that they can implement with their children through direct interaction

“Tootaa” Contributes to the Development of Additional Skills in Children, Although it Does Not Target Them Directly, Such As:

  • Encouraging children to read and helping them develop reading as a habit.
  • Stimulating positive imagination in children.
  • Enriching the linguistic, cognitive, and cultural reserve of children.

Trusted by psychologists

